Spiritual attacks will not go away by themselves. What you are tolerating now, will continue to be with you, even though you know it is not good. A great life does not just happen. You don’t just think it and you know you will have it. Why we get fed up with our Christian walk; it’s because we see no progress in what we desire to be.
SALVATION CLASSES | Prophet Philip Banda
Whom are you blaming for the way you are? All of us in our area of calling, if we stop copying and running other races we all going to succeed. A lot of us like our fake life than our originality. Renew yourself from inside. When you happy inside it will come out and it will be shining. To know yourself it’s not easy but you will go to know yourself. Anywhere you can think where you can start and improve it can start. It’s being honest and serious. Lies do not build anything; God cannot build on foundation of lies.
Some of us have jumped our past; we want to cover it quickly. But it is breathing, we have not dealt with it we just covered it. Change now, be real now! In your situation, don’t try to impress anyone. Look into the following areas in your life in which we need salvation.
- Pride
Are you not serving pride? Some of you can testify that my family is prideful. Some of you are prideful because grandfather was first one who had a bicycle
Do you know there are cars today? If I tell my children history, how will they benefit from it? Pride is a spirit. Look at how you answer people and look at people.
Pride will show in outward manifestation. If you can be sincere before God, God Almighty, will come through for you.
- Poverty
Poverty is a spirit. It is passed on from generation to generation. It’s one of the curses.
3. Some of us are over perfection. This is a demon you need help.
- Lack of stability
You need salvation is that area. You not stable in keeping relationships.
5. Others know all
On money matters, vehicles, you are there. Who are you then? Are you Satan? Knowing all will cause problems in your life.
- No marriage
Knowing all but no marriage.
- Divorce
Try as you may to maintain your marriage buts it quarreling after quarreling. Something should break and something should give up.
- Lack of love
Lack of love is a spirit. No love, what do you mean? Lust goes, love remains. What have you done to cultivate this fresh love?
- Boasting
Some people boast over nothing.
- Gossip
Any place when people sat and gossiped, you will gossip.
Whom are you blaming that you are not blessed beyond a curse.
You won’t go anywhere with gossip.
- Criticism
You are always critical of everything and everyone.
- Unteachable spirit.
Every child can be taught good manners. Teach your child now. Why cant you because you also you were unteachable. See future, speak truth. It will be hard, but people will eventually love you.
- Discontentment
Someone gives you a bottle of Coca Cola but they ask where is vetkoek. Change don’t criticize, appreciate more.
- Complaining, moaning
Immediately, when you wake you ask, why am I awake. Please enjoy, God has given you another day.
- Always negative
There are people who are always negative.
- Fighting in the house
When a fight comes don’t even realize that children are there and think that fighting in the house it’s normal. Why are you being moody. By the way it will affect your health.
- Laziness
All they know is to criticize and seat in their seat. We are lazy. We like rioting. Rioting is a spirit. Rioting is destructive. There is nothing good that comes out of rioting. It is educating the mind, when you can educate this will overcome. All this hardship favoring one against the other started in the home.
- We are poor because of negligence
- Double minded
Do you want to marry, yes. Don’t you want to marry, yes. What do you want, don’t know.
- If you have no salvation from the character flaw of bitterness
Bitterness is not good, forgive and move on. - Unforgiveness goes along with anger.
Rioting, hatred, violence is a problem. Mistrust is very very dangerous, when you mistrust you won’t be solid. In Unity, love, oneness God commands a blessing
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