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Connecting Back to God: The Discipline of Fasting | Prophet Philip Banda

Prophet Banda said that when you are a genuine seeker of God, you have hunger for God and hunger for God's love, and you fast-God will bring revelation that will bring direction for your life. The Prophet went on further to say, that you don't fast for ego, classic reasons, fame, recognition, and financial acceptance. All these are materialistic and are destroying people who do not know God. You don’t start with these. 


24 Oct 2023

Connecting Back to God: The Discipline of Fasting | Prophet Philip Banda

Prophet Philip Banda opened the Sunday service to encourage the congregation and to provide them with a strategy on how to approach the month-long fast by  stating that to finish the 30 days you say, “I will fast today, tomorrow will take care of itself.” He went on to emphasize the importance of self-examination during this fast. Because, when you do not know your true self, you won’t even see results because you do not know your true self. The one, who is fasting, who are you? 

Prophet Banda mentioned that during the whole week, we will be looking at the true you! As it is not easy to discover yourself, it’s easy to claim things. He said self-examination and truth about yourself and suppressing the ego are central to Christian growth. When you grow God will give you what your age in God requires. Fasting is the most powerful tool that a genuine seeker can ever experience in their lives. Hence we start with Self-examination first. 

Prophet Banda said that when you are a genuine seeker of God, you have hunger for God and hunger for God's love, and you fast-God will bring revelation that will bring direction for your life. The Prophet went on further to say, that you don't fast for ego, classic reasons, fame, recognition, and financial acceptance. All these are materialistic and are destroying people who do not know God. You don’t start with these. 

When you are a genuine seeker, fasting will help you discover what is keeping you from seeking the Lord in a more focused way. Because you desire to hear God for yourself. In fasting things that are preventing you from bearing fruit will be revealed. Worldly things and worldly pursuits will loosen their hold on you. This one now, God's presence is increasing. Things of this world will lose their hold on you. 

When you lack discipline in your fasting, as you fasting you will also be experiencing consequences you are a contradiction. The Prophet referred us to Isaiah 58:3-4 (NLT), where it says, “We have fasted before you! they say. Why are you not impressed? We have been very hard on ourselves and You do not even notice it. I will tell you, why. I respond. "It is because you are fasting to please yourselves. Even while you fast, you keep oppressing your workers."

God has told us what to do, we have to turn to God with all our hearts. God looks at the heart. God instructs us to rend our hearts, not our garments. God desires inward submission to Him. God wants every hindrance in our hearts to be removed and fellowship to be restored. Then He says I will give you this. 

There choice is yours. Come out from among them, don’t associate yourself with these things. Don’t associate with Idols. Every promise of the Bible is conditional. If the condition is not met, the promise is made ineffective, not by God but by our unfaithfulness. Your unfaithfulness will make the promises of God in your life null and void. 

The Prophet urged the congregation to deal with self-deception. To know the true you deal with self-deception. 1 Kings 18:21, "And Elijah came to all the people, and said, "How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow Him. But the people answered him not a word." This month always focus on truth. You know why your faith is weak. When one has no truth, one has no faith. 


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