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Loving God and Neighbor | Prophet Philip Banda

On 2 October 2023, Prophet Philip Banda held an evening service titled, "Loving God and Neighbour," at the Impact for Christ Ministries (IFCM) Headquarters in the Holy Land, South Africa. In his opening remarks, Prophet Banda stressed that if we miss it here our fasting will be futile.

02 Oct 2023

Loving God and Neighbor | Prophet Philip Banda

Matthew 22:37-40 was read wherein “Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” The Prophet asked the congregation if we practised loving God and loving neighbour. He said that loving a neighbour as yourself is clearly an outstanding law for our lives. How many so-called Christians practise this? Some of our neighbours do not even know we are Christian. Hence, we find it difficult to evangelize to them. 

Prophet Banda further elaborated with another biblical verse in Deuteronomy 6:5, which states “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and all your strength.” He said that, if we love God with all our hearts, we will demonstrate it by loving our neighbour. If you find loving God difficult, it will also be difficult to love your neighbour. 

The Prophet referred us to Leviticus 19:18,  which says, “You shall not take vengeance nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbour as yourself: I am the Lord.” He asked if are we free with everyone. Why are we holding grudges it is because we want to revenge. The thing you are holding that is what is killing you, that is what is frustrating you and that is what is blocking your future. Not holding anything against anyone, clean pure heart because you know human beings. Why are you holding something against someone who is innocent? Why are you like this? It is very difficult to love the unlovable. The one who has done you wrong it’s difficult to love. 

The Prophet exposed our hypocrisy in that we nourish anger against other people and at the same time expect healing from the Lord. He said that we are all guilty of holding something against someone because we have not had a direct encounter with the Lord to reveal our hearts to ourselves. 

He said we are nourishing anger, and also comparing, everything that should not be in us is in us. Prophet stated, that God is challenging us to show love to everyone because we ourselves suffer from the same sins. All of us are equally unworthy and all of us need God's mercy. 

The Prophet taught us that we should realize that the time when you show the most love is not when people are easy to love. It is when you know this one is unlovable that’s the time you show the most love. When you love the unlovable it’s very easy to forgive them: why do you forgive because you love them? He stressed that we should realize that our neighbour is just like us. When you love God, loving your neighbour will be easy to love. 

The Prophet said that in Proverbs 4:23, we are told to “Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it come the issues of life.” Why is your life like this? Issues of life spring from the heart. Your hardness of life, you have spoken negatively over your own life. In Genesis 8:21, “And the Lord smelled a soothing aroma. Then the Lord said in His heart. “I will never again curse the ground for man’s sake, although the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; nor will I destroy every living thing as I have done.” The Prophet asked how holy are your imaginations? 

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